A report from BDS Marketing Research has uncovered the top five suppliers of ready mix concrete in the UK. These firms are: BDS, Ames, Cement UK, and Crete. The five largest suppliers account for about two-thirds of the market. The remaining 400 volumetric and batch companies represent the remaining third of the market. Breedon is the UK's fourth largest concrete supplier, and recently bought Hope. The top five firms account for over half the market, with a combined turnover of £1.9 billion.
A durable product
Ready mix concrete is a popular type of construction material, which is usually manufactured in a factory and delivered in a plastic, unhardened state. This concrete is usually sold by the cubic meter and guarantees higher durability and sustainability. Its formulation is based on a reliable formula and modern technology. Unlike conventional concrete, ready mix concrete is more consistent, as it is produced with volumetric mixers. The mix is ready to use immediately, and it is available in a wide variety of colors and styles. The proportioning of the materials in the concrete mix should result in the best combination of properties that achieve the desired end result. These may include workability, strength, durability, and appearance. The proportions of these materials are selected by the ready mix producer independently or through a written job specification. For example, the producer may use fly ash in the concrete mix to reduce the amount of water required for the mix or superplasticise the concrete to make it self-leveling.It resists climate changes
The ready mix concrete industry in the United Kingdom is booming, with the demand for it rising as climate change threatens the planet. But the concrete industry in the UK is not only producing more concrete than it consumes, it's also offering the best solutions for coping with the changes like our ready mix concrete Birmingham branch. The material is self-sufficient and a net exporter, and it has many virtues that benefit society. For one, concrete provides natural light to exposed areas, so reducing the need for artificial light. It's also inorganic, so there's no need to treat concrete with toxic chemicals, and it has many secure characteristics, including inbuilt fire resistance. The concrete's long-term lifespan is impressive, too, at up to 60 years. Despite its poor reputation as a building material, ready mix concrete UK is contributing to a better environment and reducing emissions. Concrete is a fundamental building material, supporting approximately 7% of the UK's population. As such, it is important to consider its sustainable credentials, as well as the impact it has on our society. The construction industry is one of the largest users of concrete and it should be treated as such.It resists heavy weathering
If you want to build something that can withstand heavy weathering, you need concrete that is resistant to freezing and thawing. This type of concrete is commonly used in commercial structures, walls, external slabs, and other containment areas. The water content in this concrete is determined by the specific use for which it is intended, as well as the time of year and weather conditions. Ready mix suppliers can adjust the amount of water in the mixture to ensure that the finished product meets the requirements of its intended use.It is a cost-effective product
Compared to brick, ready-mixed concrete is a cheaper product. It is also easier to apply and has a uniform appearance. Brick requires extensive resources and time to transport and may not be even. Aside from cost, ready-mixed concrete is also more environmentally friendly. In addition, ready-mix concrete is highly customizable. Depending on the project, ready-mix concrete can be formulated to meet specific uses and compressive strength requirements. Compared to conventionally mixed concrete, ready-mixed concrete is of a high quality. It is precisely blended in a centralized automatic batching plant and transported to the site in transit mixers. In addition, the process is fully automated and closely monitored. This method reduces the risk of errors in mixing concrete because the equipment and materials are predetermined. It also ensures quality concrete with every batch.It is a durable product
Unlike traditional concrete, which may not last as long as concrete mixed on-site, ready-mixed concrete is produced under controlled conditions. In the United States and Europe, ready-mix concrete is purchased by volume, and is usually specified in cubic meters or cubic yards. Depending on the specification, concrete may be specified informally by weight, volume, or other criteria. Formal specifications, such as EN 206+ A1 and BS 8500, allow customers to specify the strength and other characteristics of the concrete, such as its exposure to ground conditions. During the mixing process, concrete begins to harden over a period of time. The rate at which it hardens depends on the proportion of the cement and the aggregates used in the mix. The initial phase of hydration occurs within one month, while further hardening occurs slowly for several years. In general, there are four main types of concrete:- Ready mix concrete
- Portland cement
- Masonry cement
- Mortar mix concrete